LambMetrics is our lambing blog which tells some of the tales of farm life at lambing time.
Also contains pretty lamb pictures– and maybe a few confronting ones too.
Glorious sunshine, a few more lambs and the odd hiccup.
Yesterday we gained another lamb for the Bottle Gang. Which makes 4 – better than last year.
Am nearly totally up to date with the stats but they keep popping out more! And I normally can’t tag the Merino and Castledale lambs immediately like the Drysdales and English Leicesters so they end up a day behind. Shepherdess problems … LOL
Had some other work that needed doing today but all going well tomorrow we will have a stats update. So far there are nearly 100 lambs in the English Leicester/Drysdale group and nearly 100 in the Merino/Castledale group. I have a sneaking suspicion I ordered the wrong number of tags and will run out … ooops.