English Leicesters are a Heritage breed of sheep developed in England during the 18th Century which arrived in Australia in 1826.
The English Leicester is a sound, black footed sheep, suitable to most districts of Australia – flat, hilly, or more especially, marginal country.
The English Leicester is classified as a dual purpose sheep, being prized in both the wool and meat markets.
Here at Beersheba Farm we have a small stud of (white) English Leicesters as well as a small number of coloured (silver-grey).
About the wool…

English Leicester fleece should be dense, free, even and highly lustrous; lock medium-width, showing small, well defined wave or crimp from skin to tip.
Micron range 32-38.
Traditionally used in rugs but also suitable for all sorts of handcrafts such as spinning & knitting (lace shawls & socks, especially) as well as felting embellishments and dolls’ wigs. Its lustre and acceptance of dye makes it very versatile.
About the sheep…
English Leicesters are large framed longwool sheep, with a wide level topline, strong constitution and good temperament. Rams make a superior crossing sire with fine wool ewe to produce prime lamb mothers, inheriting the desirable qualities of the English Leicester breed – large frame body, strong constitution, milking ability and high lambing average. The lambs grow out well to good marketable prime lambs.
Flock 423, Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association
Gudair vaccinated
Brucellosis accredited
Breed information courtesy of the English Leicester Association of Australia Inc.