#LAMBMETRICS for the day
Drysdale & English Leicester Flocks
Born 30/8 – today: 8
Total Lambs Born: 42
Drysdale lambs (live total): [no purebreds in 2019]
DrysdaleX lambs (total): 23
English Leicester lambs (live total): 19
Total Sets of Twins born: 9
Total Sets of Triplets born: 0
Total ewe lambs: 18
Total ram lambs: 24
Ewes lambed /68: 33 (48.5 %)
Lamb % : 127 % [live]
Assisted/Dystocias: 5
Losses: 0
Notable Midwifery tales:

Just about halfway now and they’re starting to come in a bit of a rush again!
The Drysdale ewes are quietly just popping them out (mostly single-births). The odd one has needed just a little assistance to get the lamb out (thankfully, all the positions have been right) but all have mothered up with no issues and are milking well.
I won’t name names but some of the English Leicesters are letting the side down. A bunch of older ewes (that weren’t bred here) and all have lovely big udders that are NOT brimming full of milk. Alas. Those girls all had twins too….! As of tonight we’re now supplementing FOUR sets of twins on the bottle. A tiny bit Less Than Impressed!!
The good news is that the rest of them are doing their job admirably and have bouncy, growing lambs to show for it. Including, our only black superfine merino ewe who had a lovely little ram lamb yesterday, sired by the English Leicester stud ram. Hanging around the English Leicesters has at least paid off for her in terms of temperament – she followed her lamb into the shed for the night and was able to enjoy all the associated Room Service amenities. Good girl, Panda!